Wednesday, January 31, 2007

"Glow Tape" and Boundaries

There is great discussion brewing in the comment section just below the SESSION IV Discussion section. Joseph Scheid has asked great quesitons for us to consider, AND it is a great lead in to this week's topic, Dynamics of Faith, chapter 5. Click and jump on it!


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Session IV Discussion, January 28

If you read my blog tips in the previous posting, you'll see the comments link enabled at the bottom of this entry. In this discussion blog entry, I suggest you might make comments pertaining to class this week. Anyone may comment by clicking on the comment link at the end of this entry right under the thin gray line.

I'm wondering about two things:
  1. Your reaction to today's class comments found at:
  2. Your reaction to the diagram that came out of a suggestion from a class member a week ago posted as a blog entry Discussion Session III - January 21 or the document is:


Session IV Documents & BLOG Tips, January 28

Our class had a great time today. If you missed it, you will find notes from the group discussion by following this link:

The outline for session 4:

Homework for next Sunday is chapter 5, Dynamics of Faith. If you are having trouble signing up to respond ("blog") on this site, please contact me at

Quote for the day from a class member: "I do the google!"


Finally, as I have talked to a few people who have written a blog entry, "blogged", I have discovered that the location for comments is confusing. There are two ways to input to this blog.
  1. Anyone may comment (you don't have to make an account through google anymore) on a blog entry by clicking on the comment link at the bottom of a blog entry. Sometimes I disable this feature, for instance, if I simply make some class announcements. Comments should really pertain to a discussion topic. I have disabled comments on this entry but enabled comments on the one right above.
  2. You can make a NEW POST by making a google account (pretty simple process) and logging in (click login from the main page). Your NEW POST will appear at the top of the main blog page until someone makes a newer post. in this way, it is easier to make sure that people might see it. Posts are listed newest on top, oldest on the bottom.
Hope this helps,

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sunday, January 28

Just a quick reminder for everyone and in case you weren't in class - We are working on chapters three and four for this Sunday. Faith is a Freedom Word and Faith is a Good News Word.

The outline for Sunday, January 28 may be found at this address:

See you Sunday,


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Discussion Session III - January 21

We had a rousing discussion today about the object of our faith, God's faithfulness. Someone suggested a circle might represent a faith cycle. I took a stab at what one might look like. What do you think? To enlarge the diagram, simply click on it.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Thank you very much for putting this class together and I also like the Blog. I have no experience with blogging. So here goes......

I've read the entire book, many parts more than once. I've also read a lot of other information from famous writers on faith and doubt. It seemed to me in all of the writings that the idea of goals, formation of goals, or any description concerning goals is completely missing. Martin Luther doesn't metion goals and Mr. Palmer doesn't mention goals. To me before you make any decision about anything you have to set a goal in mind. For example, taking a step forward while you walk. Your goal is to move forward to a different position. Once you have reached that position, you have reached that goal. But in your mind you have to know what the goal is before you take the step. You have to know physically if you can step that far. Is you other foot strong enough to complete the walk. I could sit and go on forever about this, but you get the general idea. Goals are missing. Why?

Monday, January 15, 2007

Discussion Session II - January 14

"The mighty Casey has struck out" - I know many of us are still recovering from the Seahawks near miss on Sunday. I suppose we could accept comments from MICC Bloggers about the ups and downs of the game but, instead, what about this idea?

How is your definition of faith evolving from the readings and class discussions over the last few weeks? I know I am tweeking mine from week to week. I've taken a stab at writing one, and if you don't want to write your own, feel free to offer suggestions about mine.

Faith in God is not simply a one time decision; it is a way, a pilgrimage. That first decision we all make to accept Christ into our hearts is followed by the rest of our life (eternity) where all the next decisions lead us closer to Christ or to some idol in our life. All the same, it is crucial to maintain focus on Christ, the Word in our life, and not on the next decision.

Scroll down to click on "# comments" or "Post a comment" to join the discussion.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sunday, January 14

The Seahawks game started at 10 a.m. today, and as a result, our attendance was down. However, we did manage to finish the first chapter with a discussion about first and second thoughts by reviewing some of the parallel characteristics between the first son and the second son in the parable from Matthew 21:28-32. Some of the thoughts were:

First Son . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Second Son
p 14 comic line . . . . . . . . . . . . tragic line
p 16 hearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . doing
p 17 first thoughts . . . . . . . . . second thoughts
p 17 quick decision . . . . . . . . . lag time from hearing to doing
p 17 did father's will . . . . . . . did not do the will of the father
p 18 easy street speeches . . . harder, longer lasting way of faith

The handout for this week is located at You might find section III helpful as you read chapter 2.

Don't forget that Earl Palmer will join us this Wednesday for dinner and discussion from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Praxis classroom. Hope to see you there and in class next week.

Homework is to read chapter 2 - Faith is an Amen Word - "Putting down our weight upon the faithfulness of God . . . in Hebrew 'to have faith' literally means to make secure in God." p. 25

Watch for another post on Wednesday . . .


Saturday, January 6, 2007

First and Second Thoughts Discussion

Here is where class members will have the opportunity to discuss the current week's class. In order to enter the discussion your email address will have to be added to an author's list. Unless you tell me differently, I will add all the current emails given by class members in the fall. If your email has changed or for some reason you cannot post a comment, please email me at and request to be added to the MICC Praxis discussion. It will help me if you put MICC Praxis in the subject line.

To get things started this week, I wonder what you think Earl's main point is from chapter 1. Actually, after studying the whole book, I think he explains his whole perspective on faith quite pointedly in the first chapter. Is his thesis found in the last paragraph of the first chapter? " ... whatever faith is, it must make sense within the strongly contested places for deciding in which we human beings must, like the two brothers of the parable, come up with answers that make sense, so we can live with them into the afternoon."

Click on comments below to enter the discussion.

Sunday, January 7 - First and Second Thoughts

- Class overview
- Video welcome by the author, Earl Palmer
- Such a Windy Place, page 11
- Chapter 1, First and Second Thoughts
- Matthew 21:28-32
- C.S. Lewis Quotes
- The Road Less Traveled, Robert Frost


Welcome to Praxis: Trusting God, Christian Faith in a World of Uncertainty. Praxis class members may use this blog to discuss weekly Sunday school lessons, ask questions (of all members, I'm no expert), and keep individual pilgrimages of faith vibrantly alive. Each week by Wednesday morning the current lesson will be posted as a reminder of what was given the prior Sunday in class. It will be listed by the date of the Sunday that chapter(s) and topic(s) will be discussed. That way if you miss a class, you will be able to get current information about what happened and what to expect in the next lesson.

Also, I will create a discussion blog for each week on the Saturday prior to class. That is where you will be able to post your ideas and questions for other class bloggers to read and discuss. It is my hope we can keep the dialogue going all week long and that you can participate according to your interest and individual time availability.