The romantic, unpredictable nature of humans sets them apart from all other animals. All other species are predictable. Every day animals of all kinds eat, sleep and fight for survival as certainly as the sun rises.
Even the most organized critters do not celebrate their brief histories on earth. Have you ever seen little ant statues celebrating ant heroes or portraits of the most beautiful queen bees hanging in hives? At best these organized communities of insects are forever given to gathering food. All the while humans are given to that work for as limited time as possible so they can give themselves to wild amusement and pleasure. Have you ever seen an ant on vacation?
Our passions and their unpredictable nature make it possible for our love and our anger to be hot enough to set us apart from other, more tame, species. In the deepest recesses of our soul we cannot cast aside our wildest dreams nor our darkest nightmares. There, by God's grace, we see ourselves unmasked as we really are and discover, with God's help, how to move from darkness to light.