I had not idea lifting weights would feel so good. Last November my eldest son, Brian, encouraged me to join him in a sport I had never before tried. Albeit, growing up I did my fair share of throwing hay bails and sacks of grain around the family farm.
I remembered feeling very awkward and weak those first few weeks. My arms wobbled under the free weights. It felt like everyone was watching me. I lifted only 30-40% of the weight that Brian lifted, but I still pushed and pulled the weights to the right position only with intense effort. The days following that first week of lifting left my muscles stiff and sore.
Now, eight months later, I understand why he goes to the gym so faithfully. For one, he likes to look good and his finely tuned and muscular torso provides evidence. More importantly, though, is how good it feels to be in sturdier condition. I’ve regularly cycled now for over 10 years so my legs and glutes are in pretty good shape. After lifting for these months, I’ve noticed my cycling has improved as a result of a better-conditioned core and torso. I walk more confidentially and with better posture. I think our bodies were made to be active. Our legs give us mobility and our arms the ability to pick up and carry things. We bend in the middle so we can sit down, but I don’t believe that’s our most natural position. Walking suits our structure better. Our spine is more naturally curved. Our frame is sturdier. It’s harder to push over a person standing than it is if they are sitting in a chair. If people exercised more, they’d be healthier, happier and clearer minded.
At the Airport
7 years ago