Finally, before bedtime last night, the ruler was completely covered by the snow. That's a foot on the ground in Bellevue. In the thirty-six years I've been living in the Seattle area, one foot of snow is a first. I love it. The snow quiets the landscape and calms everyone down a bit as long as one stays off the roads.
A visiting pastor, David Means, encouraged us to re-establish the wonder of Christmas by writing ten original compliments to God. Mine are listed below.
Complimenting God:
+ You are the God of all history. Your word creates the story of human lives, of my life.
+ You are my King and my God. Even the smallest work of your hands is beyond what I might do in all eternity.
+ You know the deepest secrets of mankind. You know my heart is wicked, and yet, you love me.
+ Your creative work is beyond compare. The clouds, the snow, the mountains, the heavens and all your creatures celebrate your great imagination.
+ You laughter shakes the whole earth. Your smile is from horizon to horizon.
+ The depth of your grace and mercy is beyond compare. They are deeper than the fathoms of the ocean's deepest abyss.
+ Your faithfulness is as delicate as a snowflake and as powerful as an avalanche.
+ Emmanuel, God with us, keeps watch for eternity. I will never, ever be alone.
+ Your word is true and your promises are as sure as the way light penetrates darkness. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
+ Your eyes penetrate my heart with love like a laser beam. Their warmth surrounds me like a down comforter. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.
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