UbD Plan – BCS, August 26, 2009
EUs – A student’s understanding is essential to fulfilling the BCS mission.
Students understand in a multifaceted manner.
EQ – How does UbD support the BCS mission?
BCS EQs – How is Jesus Christ at the center of my life and learning?
Whose perspective does this represent and how does a belief system influence point of view?
How do I learn, live and serve with others?
Assessment - How will I know if you “UNDERSTOOD” the Enduring Understandings?
Group discussion will bring out ideas of how perspective, empathy, and self-knowledge give evidence of student understanding. Ideas will be recorded on the group report form and each group will pick the most important ONE.
Exit card information about the relationship between the BCS mission and UbD.
Activities –
Powerpoint review: Vision trumps all.
Introduction Dialogue: How does UbD support the BCS mission?
Video/Discussion: The three facets – perspective, empathy, self-knowledge
Each group fills out one report form and selects ONE important idea.
Summary: Show the UbD lesson plan & watch the video summary
Exit Card Feedback
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