I'm a key leader in a local church. I wrote this to our congregation this morning . . . I did not attach the article which can be found at The Alban Institute
To the congregation that gathers at Island Covenant, mercy, shalom, and love be yours in abundance.
If you read the February Lamplighter by now you may have noticed there was no elder buzz section. I apologize for not writing an article. Time slipped away from me as leaders in the church worked to understand the Pulse survey results. Yesterday one hundred eight people attended the Town Hall meeting where initial results were reported. The meeting ended with small group discussions and I've included the group reports in the attached document. The three questions to which people responded were:
1.Begin with gratitude . . . Think about why you are grateful to God, today. Then think about why you are grateful for MICC.
2.How does this report resonate with you? Where do you agree; where do you disagree?
3.What is your greatest hope going forward?
Please be assured that this is just the beginning for our church in looking into the roots of issues that have come up in this survey. You'll notice a couple of comments that yawn at yet another survey that no one will "apply". Our intent is to reflect and to act.
Those in attendance were introduced to an emphasis of prayer during this lenten season. Kathy R. explained several ways to be praying for MICC. You may signup to pray specifically for one of the forty church leaders including staff, deacons, Veritas team and elders. For Holy Week, the week just prior to Easter, we will have 168 consecutive hours of prayer. Kathy will let you know more about that later as well as provide opportunity to sign up. We intend to include a section on the prayer update in the bulletin specifically for issues within the church. A grass roots effort has already begun for 777 - 7 minutes of prayer at 7 am and 7 pm. Please join church leaders as we pray and listen to the Holy Spirit's guidance, as we seek to discern God's will for Mercer Island Covenant, and as we embrace the change that is upon us.
We plan two more Town Hall meetings in April and May in preparation for our annual meeting in June. As soon as they are scheduled, we'll publish the dates and times.
Finally, Lent is a time of discipline and self-sacrifice. I've included a second attachment, an article I just received from the Alban Institute on "Waiting and Yearning in Lent". It has helped me to reflect on Lent which begins this Ash Wednesday. I encourage you to join me and others in the church who plan to engage in some sort of self-sacrifice for the forty days leading up to Easter as a sign that we will wait for the Lord Jesus and listen to Him.
Mercy, shalom, and love be yours in abundance,
2 Chronicles 7:14
At the Airport
7 years ago