At the Airport
7 years ago
The ascent to knowledge is achieved on two different but closely related levels: that of action (praxis) and contemplation (theoria). The two are inseparable in Christian knowledge (gnosis). . . Contemplation without action, theory which is not applied in practice, differs in no way from fantasy without any real substance. Similarly, action, if is not inspired by contemplation, is as sterile and rigid as a statue. - Vladimir Lossky
I enjoyed the honesty of this piece. I think the short sentences really bring out the grouchy feeling, like you can only speak in staccato sentences - can't be bothered to do more.
I know the feeling.
Have a good night's sleep.
Oh, have I been there! Your piece hits that terse feeling that lives with you on days like this. You really captured it well.
Oh, I like that phrase: "every day is a chance to hit my stride". That is what I tell my students, too: tomorrow is another day to get it the way you want it. We always get another chance. It's only when we quit that we don't get another chance.
I might just still this metaphor and use it with my kids, if you don't mind!
That was how I felt the other day - but it was a meeting day so no getting away from it all. Usually running helps but some days it feels like I am running through thick soup. I hear sunshine is coming for the weekend!
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