Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Challenge

A good day begins with hot, black coffee and a whole grain scone. When there is time to reflect and write, that is a bonus. I've accepted a friend's challenge to write a "slice of life" story every day this month. I've tried this writing-every-day-thing before but failed after about a week. Maybe I'll last two this time. A couple half time jobs and church work have kept me from my morning routine of reading, reflecting and 'riting. As a result, my current journal is over a year old. So here we go . . . until tomorrow, grace and peace.


Juliann said...

I look forward to reading your slices this month. Thanks for joining in.

Tam said...

It is a challenge/accountability. Good luck and look for the smallest things for topics!

Letterpress said...

You in here with the rest of us--it will be fun to see how many you can post up throughout the month. You've got one, so I'm sure you'll get two. That's all you have to think about.

I've learned that sometimes it's okay just to write a sentence.

Happy Slicing!
Elizabeth E.

Anonymous said...

Welcome! I'm glad you are slicing this month. One day at a time. Just a few words...

I enjoyed your header quote. Thanks for joining.


storiestoldinstickfigures said...

Rooting for two!

Carol said...

Last year I only made it three or four days into the Slice of Life. This year my goal is to do two or three times a week for the whole month, even if I don't post every day.